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Farben Sandra Nitz

Nachhaltige und hochwertige Geschenke bis 100 EUR beim Salon der schönen Dinge- page 2

69.00 (Inkl. MWSt.)

Die elegante Börse aus weichem Natur-Rinderleder bietet Platz für Kleingeld oder Reiseschmuck, Lippenstift oder die kleine Reiseapotheke. 100% Handmade in Germany.


69.00 (Inkl. MWSt.)

Die elegante Börse aus weichem Natur-Rinderleder bietet Platz für Kleingeld oder Reiseschmuck, Lippenstift oder die kleine Reiseapotheke. 100% Handmade in Germany.


69.00 (Inkl. MWSt.)

Die elegante Börse aus weichem Natur-Rinderleder bietet Platz für Kleingeld oder Reiseschmuck, Lippenstift oder die kleine Reiseapotheke. 100% Handmade in Germany.


69.00 (Inkl. MWSt.)

Die elegante Börse aus weichem Natur-Rinderleder bietet Platz für Kleingeld oder Reiseschmuck, Lippenstift oder die kleine Reiseapotheke. 100% Handmade in Germany.


69.00 (Inkl. MWSt.)

Die elegante Börse aus weichem Natur-Rinderleder bietet Platz für Kleingeld oder Reiseschmuck, Lippenstift oder die kleine Reiseapotheke. 100% Handmade in Germany.


69.00 (Inkl. MWSt.)

Die elegante Börse aus weichem Natur-Rinderleder bietet Platz für Kleingeld oder Reiseschmuck, Lippenstift oder die kleine Reiseapotheke. 100% Handmade in Germany.


69.00 (Inkl. MWSt.)

Die elegante Börse aus weichem Natur-Rinderleder bietet Platz für Kleingeld oder Reiseschmuck, Lippenstift oder die kleine Reiseapotheke. 100% Handmade in Germany.


71.00 (Inkl. MWSt.)
This three-pair gift set is part of our luxury essentials collection and perfectly complements the tasteful attire, both in formal and casual settings. It...

71.00 (Inkl. MWSt.)
This three-pair gift set is part of our luxury essentials collection and perfectly complements the tasteful attire, both in formal and casual settings. It...

71.00 (Inkl. MWSt.)
This three-pair gift set is part of our luxury essentials collection and perfectly complements the tasteful attire, both in formal and casual settings. It...

71.00 (Inkl. MWSt.)
This three-pair gift set is part of our luxury essentials collection and perfectly complements the tasteful attire, both in formal and casual settings. It...

71.00 (Inkl. MWSt.)
This three-pair gift set is part of our luxury essentials collection and perfectly complements the tasteful attire, both in formal and casual settings. It...

72.00 (Inkl. MWSt.)
1 Box (€ 0.00 pro 0 Box)

Made from 100% Egyptian cotton
Elegant and brilliant look
Silky shine and a unique colour intensity
Perfect fit reaching the mid-calf
Cotton reinforced toe and heel

1 Artikel

75.00 (Inkl. MWSt.)
Take a walk on the bright side of life with this three-pair collection of vanisé cotton styles. Add a bit of colour and personality to your everyday...

75.00 (Inkl. MWSt.)
Take a walk on the bright side of life with this three-pair collection of vanisé cotton styles. Add a bit of colour and personality to your everyday...

78.00 (Inkl. MWSt.)
Made from 70% Cashmere and 30% Silk Elegant and brilliant look Warm silky comfort and unique colour intensity Perfect fit reaching the knee High softness...

78.00 (Inkl. MWSt.)
Made from 70% Cashmere and 30% Silk Elegant and brilliant look Warm silky comfort and unique colour intensity Perfect fit reaching the knee High softness...

78.00 (Inkl. MWSt.)
Made from 70% Cashmere and 30% Silk Elegant and brilliant look Warm silky comfort and unique colour intensity Perfect fit reaching the knee High softness...

78.00 (Inkl. MWSt.)
Made from 70% Cashmere and 30% Silk Elegant and brilliant look Warm silky comfort and unique colour intensity Perfect fit reaching the knee High softness...

78.00 (Inkl. MWSt.)
Made from 70% Cashmere and 30% Silk Elegant and brilliant look Warm silky comfort and unique colour intensity Perfect fit reaching the knee High softness...

78.00 (Inkl. MWSt.)
Made from 70% Cashmere and 30% Silk Elegant and brilliant look Warm silky comfort and unique colour intensity Perfect fit reaching the knee High softness...

78.00 (Inkl. MWSt.)
Made from 70% Cashmere and 30% Silk Elegant and brilliant look Warm silky comfort and unique colour intensity Perfect fit reaching the knee High softness...

78.00 (Inkl. MWSt.)
Made from 70% Cashmere and 30% Silk Elegant and brilliant look Warm silky comfort and unique colour intensity Perfect fit reaching the knee High softness...

79.00 (Inkl. MWSt.)

Sportlich und farbenfroh – das ÖkoTex®-zertifizierte Gurtband in Lila mit Natur-Rinderleder in Weiß verleiht jeder ALEXANDRA SVENDSEN Tasche einen frischen Farbakzent. 100% Handmade in Germany.


80.00 (Inkl. MWSt.)
Take a walk on the bright side of life with this three-pair collection of vanisé cotton styles. Add a bit of colour and personality to your everyday...

80.00 (Inkl. MWSt.)
Take a walk on the bright side of life with this three-pair collection of vanisé cotton styles. Add a bit of colour and personality to your everyday...

90.00 (Inkl. MWSt.)
This gift set includes three pairs of our fine 100% Merino Wool socks. With its temperature-regulating properties, this set should not be missing in your...

90.00 (Inkl. MWSt.)
This gift set includes three pairs of our fine 100% Merino Wool socks. With its temperature-regulating properties, this set should not be missing in your...

90.00 (Inkl. MWSt.)
This gift set includes three pairs of our fine 100% Merino Wool socks. With its temperature-regulating properties, this set should not be missing in your...

90.00 (Inkl. MWSt.)
This gift set includes three pairs of our fine 100% Merino Wool socks. With its temperature-regulating properties, this set should not be missing in your...

90.00 (Inkl. MWSt.)
50 ml (€ 1.80 pro ml)

Die leichte und schnell absorbierende Creme spendet der Haut intensiv Feuchtigkeit und stärkt durch biomimetisch agierende Inhaltsstoffe entscheidend die Hautbarriere. Irritierte oder beanspruchte Haut wird beruhigt und regeneriert.



Hochwertige Brillenetuis aus pflanzlich gegerbtem Leder


125.00 (Inkl. MWSt.)
This two-pair luxury gift set includes the cashmere-silk knee-high sock in black and in navy blue. It is the perfect present for men with a classic and...

125.00 (Inkl. MWSt.)
This two-pair luxury gift set includes the cashmere-silk knee-high sock in black and in navy blue. It is the perfect present for men with a classic and...

125.00 (Inkl. MWSt.)
This two-pair luxury gift set includes the cashmere-silk knee-high sock in black and in navy blue. It is the perfect present for men with a classic and...

125.00 (Inkl. MWSt.)
This two-pair luxury gift set includes the cashmere-silk knee-high sock in black and in navy blue. It is the perfect present for men with a classic and...

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